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$22.00 AUD – $26.00 AUD
我们的围巾是在澳大利亚以纯手工制作,面料来自独家面料屋,印花独特,质量上乘。HGP围巾系列由100%棉和100%亚麻/亚麻混纺/人造丝制成。我们的面料经久耐用,舒适时尚,适合任何注重时尚的小狗。每一条围巾都配有一个与围巾颜色相匹配的纽扣,以及一个由您选择的锌合金五金件制成的时尚HGP标志。 我们的围巾可以卷起或保持平整,以适合您的小狗的身高。 请注意:面料的印花有变化,我们不能保证颜色与照片上的完全相同。 尺寸指南 小 宽-40厘米-深-18厘米(腊肠,小洞穴,博美犬,惠佩犬,灰狗) 中 宽-50厘米-深度-20厘米(勺子,日本斯皮茨,法国斗牛犬) 大 宽57厘米深23厘米(拉布拉多犬、斗牛犬、法国犬) 加大-宽-62cm-深-25cm(大丹犬,罗威鱼) 五金件:有玫瑰金色、黄金色、银色或枪金属色。 保养 局部清洗或手洗,必要时可以熨烫 虽然他们太时髦了让您不想给您的宠物脱下,但我们还是建议在激烈运动或沙地、泥地冒险中脱下它们。 希望你喜欢你的新奢侈品! 注:不包括其他附件。


$65.00 AUD – $85.00 AUD
“肉桂”简介这种标志性背带时尚,多功能和耐用。 由高品质氯丁橡胶棉和PU皮革制成,以及时尚的锌合金金属配件(玫瑰金)搭扣,这无疑是一种时尚宣言,可以确保您的毛茸茸的朋友被注意到。 还有一个领子和铅可以补充这种安全带。 该图显示了(全部收藏)。 *不包括项圈和铅 测量 XXS(通常适合)吉娃娃,狡猾,约克等 脖子-16cm-26cm 胸-27cm-39cm XS(通常适合)-博美犬,马耳他语,腊肠犬等 脖子-21cm-33cm 胸部-35cm-49cm S(通常适合)-平均Cavoodles,Cavaliers,贵宾犬等 脖子-28cm-38cm 胸围-40cm-54cm M(通常适合)-Spoodles,日本Spitz,西班牙猎狗,法国斗牛犬等 脖子-38cm-52cm 胸围-50cm-60cm
The ‘Avo Jolly Good Christmas’ Neck tie

The ‘Avo Jolly Good Christmas’ Neck tie

$30.00 AUD – $38.00 AUD
COLLECTION- Cotton/ Blends Please allow 1 week for these to be hand made. Each scarf is a one off, decorations may vary Our fabrics are unique prints that are sourced in...
The ‘Avo Jolly Good Christmas’ Scarf

The ‘Avo Jolly Good Christmas’ Scarf

$30.00 AUD – $38.00 AUD
COLLECTION- Cotton/ Blends Please allow 1 week for these to be hand made. Each scarf is a one off, decorations may vary Our fabrics are unique prints that are sourced in...
The ‘Birds of Paradise’ Neck tie

The ‘Birds of Paradise’ Neck tie

$30.00 AUD – $38.00 AUD
COLLECTION- Cotton/ Blends Our fabrics are unique prints that are sourced in exclusive fabric houses and are of the highest quality. Our scarves/neck ties are hand made here in Australia. HGP'...
The ‘Birds of Paradise’ Scarf

The ‘Birds of Paradise’ Scarf

$30.00 AUD – $38.00 AUD
SCARF COLLECTION- COTTON/ BLENDS  Our scarf fabrics are unique prints that are sourced in exclusive fabric houses and are of the highest quality. Our scarves are hand made here in Australia....
The ‘Blooming Pastels’ Neck tie

The ‘Blooming Pastels’ Neck tie

$30.00 AUD – $38.00 AUD
COLLECTION- Cotton/ Blends Our fabrics are unique prints that are sourced in exclusive fabric houses and are of the highest quality. Our scarves/neck ties are hand made here in Australia. HGP'...
The ‘Braids of Gold’ Neck tie

The ‘Braids of Gold’ Neck tie

$30.00 AUD – $38.00 AUD
COLLECTION- Cotton/ Blends Our fabrics are unique prints that are sourced in exclusive fabric houses and are of the highest quality. Our scarves/neck ties are hand made here in Australia. HGP'...
The ‘California Dreaming’ Neck tie

The ‘California Dreaming’ Neck tie

$30.00 AUD – $38.00 AUD
COLLECTION- Cotton/ Blends Our fabrics are unique prints that are sourced in exclusive fabric houses and are of the highest quality. Our scarves/neck ties are hand made here in Australia. HGP'...
The ‘California Dreaming’ Scarf

The ‘California Dreaming’ Scarf

$30.00 AUD – $38.00 AUD
SCARF COLLECTION- COTTON/ BLENDS Our scarf fabrics are unique prints that are sourced in exclusive fabric houses and are of the highest quality. Our scarves are hand made here in Australia....
The ‘Champagne Showers’ Neck tie

The ‘Champagne Showers’ Neck tie

$30.00 AUD – $38.00 AUD
COLLECTION- Cotton/ Blends Our fabrics are unique prints that are sourced in exclusive fabric houses and are of the highest quality. Our scarves/neck ties are hand made here in Australia. HGP'...


$65.00 AUD – $85.00 AUD
“肉桂”简介这种标志性背带时尚,多功能和耐用。 由高品质氯丁橡胶棉和PU皮革制成,以及时尚的锌合金金属配件(玫瑰金)搭扣,这无疑是一种时尚宣言,可以确保您的毛茸茸的朋友被注意到。 还有一个领子和铅可以补充这种安全带。 该图显示了(全部收藏)。 *不包括项圈和铅 测量 XXS(通常适合)吉娃娃,狡猾,约克等 脖子-16cm-26cm 胸-27cm-39cm XS(通常适合)-博美犬,马耳他语,腊肠犬等 脖子-21cm-33cm 胸部-35cm-49cm S(通常适合)-平均Cavoodles,Cavaliers,贵宾犬等 脖子-28cm-38cm 胸围-40cm-54cm M(通常适合)-Spoodles,日本Spitz,西班牙猎狗,法国斗牛犬等 脖子-38cm-52cm 胸围-50cm-60cm